Keeping our campuses safe has become a very serious topic or at least it needs to be, as incidents are happening more frequently than not. Parents, communities, and the media want a tangible guarantee for security at schools like metal detectors, but are metal detectors the answer to the security problem in our schools? The more research I do, the more I lean towards, not so much.
First of all, it would be very costly. Where in the world would schools get funding for metal detectors? The government? Not a chance! Even if there was a special grant they could receive, how would they be able to continue to pay for the upkeep such as maintenance, replacements and operation staff?
Secondly, how would metal detectors help in the cases when such incidents occur outside on school grounds? It doesn’t seem as though the security of metal detectors could enhanced a student’s safety enough to prevent those types of incidents.
Lastly, how would the school districts avoid making schools feel as “prison-like” environments. Ultimately in this case, I believe that school spirit would probably be directly impacted in a negative way with such protocols.
At this point, I don’t think metal detectors would benefit schools very much, but perhaps putting a strong protocol in place may help improve the feeling of security back in schools, parents and the community. By creating programs that help educate and promote these protocols to students and parents throughout the year and year after year, I am certain it would make a difference in preparing for such incidents. I believe that most fall outs happen from the lack of education, so if our schools could just spend a bit more time emphasizing on the importance of knowing what to do in certain situations, with conducting mock drills and information sessions, it may better the outcomes of tragic events.